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The Treasure of Caer Colun

Writer: Simon MacDowallSimon MacDowall

The Saxons, raiding deep into British held Caer Colun, stole the treasures of Praefectus Firmum Coquus but had to bury the loot in order to make their escape. Word of the possible location of the buried hoard has since spread wide within both British and Saxon-controlled regions around Caer Colun after ale loosened lips in the drinking halls.

I, Simplus Simonius Lignius Clavius, called together my best men to arms. We mounted our horses and set off to recover the treasure accompanied by some sturdy footmen. The treasure was rumoured to be buried beside ‘a distinctive tree’ by a hill close to the church maintained by the priest Longus Sermon.

We were not the only ones. Firmum Coquus himself was keen to recover his lost treasure as were the Saxons Aethulwulf, Saebert and Betwulf. Another British leader, Primus Flascus, also had his eye on the prize. With so many others looking for the same treasure, It seemed sensible to me to cut a deal with Firmus Coquus in which we would hold back, let the others fight for it and then take it from them with a 50/50 split. And so we agreed.

My initial attempt to hold back was thwarted when Aethulwulf sent his archers through some woods to take pot shots at my fine body of horsemen. I had no choice but to charge and drive them back.

Finding myself deep in the woods I saw Aethulwulf’s warriors advancing on me. They rushed forward to charge but fortunately for them the distance was to great to reach me before they began to run out of steam. So my Comitatus charged them in turn and drove them from the woods. It was a valiant combat and I nearly lost my life but my stalwart champion rushed forward to protect me, sacrificing his life for mine. The bards will long sing of his valour and loyalty in the mead hall.

Meanwhile Saebert and Betwulf fought it out as both wanted the treasure for themselves. There can be few things more satisfying than to watch the pagan barbarians slaughtering each other. And great slaughter there was. By the time the remnants of their men reached the rumoured site of the treasure they were utterly spent.

Aethulwulf’s remaining warriors made it to the hill to discover the treasure. Unfortunately for them Pepsi Maximus led a contingent of Firmum Coquus’ men against them.

As they were fighting it out I led my Comitatus in a charge against the Saxon flank. The Saxons were destroyed. Pepsi Maximus formed his men in shieldwall to resist a charge by my men but I announced that I had no intent of fighting them. I would hold firm to the deal I had made with Firmum Coquus. We would split the treasure 50/50 and no Christian blood would be spilt.

And so it was. With the treasure back in British hands, Simplex Simonius and Firmum Coquus will be able to equip more warriors to fend off the Saxon incursions.

This excellent game was hosted and umpired by Richard Speedman using Dux Britanniarum rules.

3 Kommentare

Richard Speedman
Richard Speedman
19. Jan. 2024

The Saxon players look suitably glum after being outwitted and soundly thrashed by the Britons 🙂

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Ernie Fosker
Ernie Fosker
04. Feb. 2024
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Yes, we do look rather down, don't we? 🤣🥺😪

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Ernie Fosker
Ernie Fosker
18. Jan. 2024

It was, indeed, a cracking game and us Saxons, at least AEthulwulf (Andy) and Saeberht (me), would have won the treasure if it hadn't been for your perfidious duplicity of taking cavalry through woods - disgraceful! Think of the stress you put the horses under, the ESSPCA (East Saxon Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) shall hear of this 🤣

Oh yes, and a few more decent dice rolls might have been of use, of course 😉

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