Happy New Year to all readers! I have done very little in the wargames department over the holiday period but I did manage to finish off a couple of 15mm units for Shieldwall -- these being the rules we will be using at the Society of Ancients Maldon Battle Day in March.
First up is a Saxon retinue. This incoporates some figures I painted quite some time ago along with newly painted men. These days I would go for a more coherent colour scheme, especially on the shields. As my older figures were quite individualistic I had to compromise a bit, avoiding adding any additional colours with the new figures. Off to the left is a champion based on the Sutton Hoo burial.
Next are some Irish, again with a champion. I hope to eventually paint enough of them to re-fight Clontarf. There is no evidence that the Irish wore 'saffron' yellow this early on but I decided to go with a mostly yellow and black colour scheme.
The standard is conjectural but a Celtic cross does seem plausible.
I have also painted a Berserker marker. In my revised Shieldwall rules (avaliable shortly) Berserkers are not units but rather a few psychopaths who will run out from the ranks to charge the enemy when they get close.