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Saxon Ambush

Writer: Simon MacDowallSimon MacDowall

Orbis Poculum and Primus Flask are escorting a supply column to the Vicus of Deningtonum. The weather is fine, the road is in relatively good repair and the men are in well fed. What could possibly go wrong?

Two men in the far distance, running from the watch tower to seek the safety of Deningtonum’s walls, could be a sign that not is all as well as it seems.

The Saxons are coming! Quite a lot of them.

They swarm forward around the church, bearing down on the road as the Romano-British hurriedly re-deploy to meet them.

Orbis Poculum forms shieldwall to meet the Saxons. Unfortunately for Poculum his men are up against Aethelwulf’s Hearth-guard and some of the best Saxon warriors. An aggressive Saxon charge breaks the Romano-British shieldwall, inflicting very heavy casualties.

Learning of the Saxon attack, Simplex Lignius Clavius, partially recovered from his previous wounds, downs his goblet of Gaulish wine, mounts up and leads his men from their camp to rescue the convoy.

At the same time Firmum Coquus debouches from the walls of Deningtonum to meet Saebehrt’s Saxons who have swept past the abandoned watch tower.

Playing the Strong Arm card, Firmum’s men let loose a hail of javelins with devastating effect. With many of his front rank warriors hit, Saebehrt’s advance comes to a shuddering halt.

Firmum’s men then charge forward to engage the Saxons in hand to hand combat. The Romano-British inflict heavy casualties and drive Saebehrt’s men back in disorder.

Meanwhile, in the centre of the field, things are not looking good for the Romano-British. The Saxons have captured the wagons and are beginning to lead them off. Orbis Poculum’s contingent has been decimated and now Raefwald Saxons are advancing forward to exploit Aethelwulf’s earlier success.

If there was ever a time for the cavalry to come to the rescue it would be now.

So Simplex leads his men forward to charge Raefwald’s Saxons. The charge succeeds in driving the Saxons back but not with the devastating effect Simplex would have liked. Perhaps he is still suffering from his previous wounds which prevents him from inspiring his men to their full effect.

Although the charge is successful Simplex’s cavalry fail to break through and are exposed to a flank attack by Aethelwulf’s Saxons.

To the rear of the Romano-British lines, Ventosas Horridus attempts to come around behind the Saxons. His passage is blocked by Eowulf. Ventosas is initially successful, inflicting heavy casualties on the Saxons but then he is wounded and a Saxon counter-attack sends his men reeling back.

The battle is eventually decided in the centre. Simplex’s cavalry are driven off and then Primus Flask breaks through the Saxon lines only to be surrounded and taken in both flanks.

Firmum Coquus has kept Deningtonum secure but is unable to prevent the Saxons leading off the supply wagons.

The Saxon mead halls are ringing with songs and boasts of victory while the scops compose odes to the gallantry of their warriors. There are, however, some rumblings about Saeberht — is he fit to be a warlord given that he failed to accomplish anything against the Wealas?

The good people of Deningtonum will have to tighten their belts due to the loss of the supply wagons. None-the-less they hail Firmum Coquus as Caesar for having saved their Vicus from the Saxon wolves.

Simplex Lignius Clavius returns to visit the shepherdess who previously nursed him back to health in the hope that she will make him properly fighting fit.

The game was played using Dux Britanniarum rules as a continuation of our Caer Colun campaign.


Ernie Fosker
Ernie Fosker
a day ago

Stirring stuff, Simon, if you had been born 2000 (or so) years ago you could have made good living as a bard or a scop. It was an excellent day (well as a Saxon I would say that, wouldn't I?) Thank you, Richard, for putting the game on.

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