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Getting ready for Quebec

Writer's picture: Simon MacDowallSimon MacDowall

My next project is to run a mini-campaign set around the British siege of Quebec in 1759 with Sharp Practice rules. I have quite a few suitable figures but need to bring some units up to strength for use with Sharp Practice and paint up a few more that have been languishing in my lead pile for some time .

I have recently completed these two boat loads of British Marines (not yet the Royal Marines) to lead the assault at Montmorency.

Now on the painting table are some RAFM figures that will become a company of Fraser's Highlanders. It has been a long time since I have painted tartan and I was a little nervous about attempting it but I think it has gone well so far. Some of the lighter areas may need darkening but I will wait until after applying a Raw Umber wash before touching up.

There are another five figures to paint after these (including a piper) but given the detail work, I prefer to paint only a few in one go.

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