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Flags for Rocroi

Writer's picture: Simon MacDowallSimon MacDowall

Updated: Jun 6, 2022

The wonderful little museum at Rocroi has some interesting illustrations of flags carried by the combatants at the 1643 battle. As I am always on the search for flags to copy for my miniature troops, so I thought I should share these.

Spanish cavalry flags. The round-ended ones are labelled cornotte (coronet) and the rectangular one as guidon. We normally associate round-ended flags (especially with swallow tail) as guidons carried by dragoons with the rectangular or square flags as coronets being carried by horse. It would seem that in the first half of the 17th century rounded coronets were carried by horse in both the Spanish and French armies (see also French flags below).

The first of these Spanish infantry flags is that of the Sardinian Tercio de Castelvi, the second of Frangipani’s German regiment. Both are interesting variants of the standard Spanish Burgundian cross and German double-headed eagle.

Two Swiss regiments fought for the French at Rocroi — Watteville and von Roll. The pennon-shaped flag for von Roll is puzzling as infantry flags were usually large squares. Perhaps it is a junior officer’s pennon? If anyone has any ideas please do let me know. The regimental flag for von Roll’s regiment is shown on the next image.

French infantry flags are relatively well known as they did not change from the Thirty Years War through to the War of Spanish Succession (see Warflag). The only problem is that colonels did change and junior regiments carried the name of their colonels. As a result the regimental name changed over the years even if the flag did not.

The flags below are from Stéphane Thion's Excellent book, French Armies of the Thirty Years War.

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Jun 06, 2022

Nice finds Simon, have you run these past Stéphane Thion? I note his flags from his excellent French Army of the Thirty Years War.

Simon MacDowall
Simon MacDowall
Jun 06, 2022
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Stéphan Thion's book French Armies of the Thirty Years War is definitely worth getting a copy of. The French flags at the end of the post are from that (and there are others too). His Rocroi book has been my bible for reconstructing the armies for that battle.


Richard Speedman
Richard Speedman
Jun 02, 2022

I had no idea the regiments Watteville and Roll were so old and had been in French service for so long. Was it continuous service with the French? Also nice to see the saltire feature. Will the Garde Ecossaise, or one of the other Scottish regiments in French service, appear on the table at Rocroi?

Simon MacDowall
Simon MacDowall
Jun 02, 2022
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Yes indeed the Scots will appear on the table when we play Rocroi: 2 bns (Guards & Hepburn) as well as the Gendarmes Ecossaise in reserve.

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