Close Fire & European Order (CFEO) simulates European warfare from roughly 1700-1720. It was a period of military history that bridged the gap from the ‘pike and shot’ armies of the preceding century to the familiar ‘horse and musket’ armies that saw their full development in the latter half of the 18th Century.
Too often wargames in this ‘Marlburian period’ are fought using conventional ‘horse and musket’ rules which have been developed to re-create the atmosphere of the Seven Years War or even the Napoleonic Wars. The result, usually, is just another Napoleonic game using different looking armies. The historical period covered by these rules has been kept deliberately narrow in order to concentrate on trying to re-create the flavour of this interesting and formative period of military history, covering the War of Spanish Succession and Great Northern War.
CFEO derives its name, and uses many of the excellent mechanisms, pioneered by Andy Callan in his Loose Files and American Scramble AWI rules which were published in the first issue of Wargames Illustrated.
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CFEO XVII is an adaptation of the original rules to cover true pike and shot warfare of the 17th Century, focusing on the Thirty Years War and English Civil War.
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Quick Reference Sheet for the 1745-6 Jacobite rising in Scotland. Free Download