Late Roman and Early Medieval Wargames Scenarios
These scenarios below have been designed to support Comitatus wargames rules so players can see how various forces might be composed and interpreted under the rules. They can easily be adapted for other rule sets. All scenarios are freely downloadable Pdfs.
AD 377. A simple introductory Comitatus scenario from the Late Roman period using a relatively small number of troops in a fairly classic infantry v infantry encounter.
AD 378. The Goths destroy the Roman Army. The Comitatus scenario developed for the 2022 Society of Ancients Battle Day.
AD 430. Warlords and Rebels — a multi-player fictitious scenario set in the chaos of 5th Century Gaul. Originally published in my 1991 book Goths, Huns and Romans and run at several Society of Ancients conferences.
AD 642. Oswald of Northumbria becomes a martyr and saint when he meets his death in battle against the Mercians and Welsh. A Shieldwall scenario.

991. The epic clash between Saxons and Vikings. A Shieldwall scenario